Faculty of Health Sciences & Veterinary Medicine

Schools in Faculty


Optional health and performance for all!

We train professionals to enhance total well-being and performance in work, life, and sports. Health and performance are about optimal well-being and not merely the absence of disease.  We aim to provide professional training for different professions related to allied health and physical sciences.


Join us if your passion is related to professions like Radiography, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Social Work, Sports Coaching and much more.


See possibilities below.

2023 Programmes

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Key Contact Offices

Prof Cilas Wilders
Associate Dean
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Mrs Agnes Shipanga
Faculty Officer
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Ms Saima Amia
Office Administrator
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Welcome to the School of Dentistry.

2023 Programmes

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The School of Medicine opened its doors in 2010 as part of a national strategy to strengthen health care in Namibia and to date has produced 400 medical doctors.


The School strives to deliver quality medical education and produce competent doctors who can respond to the health care needs of the Namibian people and are advocates for the poor, underserved, and marginalized in our society. We expect our students to display high levels of professional integrity, empathy, compassion, and commitment as future health care providers.


The School of Medicine is well placed within the Faculty of Health Sciences and Veterinary Medicine to become a center of excellence in research, education, and clinical training that is locally relevant and globally competitive. The School also endeavors to strategically work together with the rest of the Faculty towards financial sustainability.

2023 Programmes

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The School of Nursing and Public Health is the “mother school” of all schools in the Faculty of Health Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. The School started on 1 January 1986 when nursing was taken up in the stream of higher education from a hospital-based education.


Nursing is a noble profession for anyone who has the desire to care for the sick and needy in hospital and an opportunity to prevent illness in communities. Nurses are needed in all corners of the country and can operate in absence of other health care professionals. The attributes of an excellent nurse are compassion, competence, caring, conscience and confidence.


A nurse is the only member of the health team who is in contact with the patient for 24hrs a day and is therefore the glue that keeps the entire health professions team together.

2023 Programmes

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The School of Pharmacy was inaugurated in 2010, by the Founding President H.E. Dr. Sam Nujoma, as part of the national strategy to strengthen health systems and work-force in Namibia.


Currently, the School, headed by an Associate Dean, has 3 departments including: Pharmaceutical Sciences; Pharmacology & Therapeutics, and Pharmacy Practice & Policy.  The School offers a world-class pharmacy programmes, including a Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons), Diploma in Pharmacy, and Masters in Pharmacy (Clinical Pharmacy).


We are renowned for excellence in implementing work-integrated pharmacy education. Through networks with other pharmacy schools in regions and internationally, the School envisions to be, “a sustainable international business, education and innovation hub in pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences.”

2023 Programmes

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Welcome to the School of Veterinary Medicine.

2023 Programmes

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Faculty Introduction

The Well-Being Faculty:
We are more than an excellent centre for Health and Veterinary education, the well-being of our students and staff is important to us. Everyone should be happy enough to be truly productive.

The business of the faculty is to produce graduates who are well-rounded individuals, highly employable, and able to make great contributions to society at large.

Our faculty is about community outreach in Namibia. We are also concerned with globalisation and our roles and responsibilities as international citizens. Importantly, we are about the One Health agenda: the planet as an organism: animals, human beings, and the environment.

  • Think: physical and mental well-being of staff and students.
  • Think: sports, performance and relaxation.
  • Think: the arts and communication.

Quality Education for students in Health and Veterinary subjects:

We have established our “Faculty Health Education Unit”. All our staff are being trained as professional clinical educators.

In our Faculty, you will be guaranteed the best possible educational experience, because our staff care about being great teachers and they have the training to deliver it, whether face-to-care or on-line.

Enjoy the best possible teaching experience with the Faculty of Health Sciences and Veterinary Medicine.

Research Training for all:
Our recently established Doctoral Academy is about having the right tools to do high quality research. Staff members of the Faculty is pushing against the boundaries of what is known.

Students are offered the opportunity to come on this journey through quality research opportunities.
To take this path you must be trained, you will be trained to do research by trained researchers. Our research education programmes are comprehensive and open to staff and students: lectures, seminars, hands-on sessions.

Centre for Leadership and Reflective Practice:
Training you to be the best professional you can be, we share more than simple information, we make you truly knowledgeable and allow you to understand how to use knowledge effectively.

We will fit you for a future where you are empowered to take advantage of all of the great opportunities out there. Learn to be both a leader and a team player and you will be a highly employable graduate.

Faculty Special Admission Requirements

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (Hons)
Admission to the six-year fully-fledged Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine Programme requires 30 points from five subjects including a “B” symbol in English, Biology, Mathematics, and Physical Science (or Chemistry) at NSSC Ordinary Level or a 3 grade or higher in Mathematics and Physical Science (or Chemistry) at NSSC Higher Level.

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB)
The following requirements in order to be admitted to the UNAM School of Medicine Programme: 35 points on the UNAM scale with at least a grade B in English OR 37 points on the UNAM scale with at least a grade C in English; with a grade “2” or better on higher level or a grade “B” or better on ordinary level for Mathematics and Physical Sciences and Biology

Bachelor of Dental Surgery (Hons)
The following requirements in order to be admitted to the UNAM School of Dentistry Programme: 35 points on the UNAM scale with at least a grade B in English OR 37 points on the UNAM scale with at least a grade C in English; with a grade “2” or better on higher level or a grade “B” or better on ordinary level for Mathematics and Physical Sciences and Biology.

Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons)
The following requirements in order to be admitted to the UNAM School of Pharmacy Programme: 30 points on the UNAM scale with at least a grade B in English OR 32 points on the UNAM scale with at least a grade C in English; A Score of “2” or better on higher level in Mathematics and Physical Sciences (or 2 in Mathematics and 3 in Physical Science) (or 2 in Physical Science and 3 in Mathematics) or a grade B or better in ordinary level Mathematics and Physical Sciences. Grade B or better in ordinary level Biology/Life Science or a score of 3 or better on higher level Biology/Life Science.

Bachelor of Science Occupational Therapy (Hons)
The following requirements in order to be admitted to the UNAM School of Allied Health Programme: 30 points on the UNAM scale with at least a grade B in English OR 32 points on the UNAM scale with at least a grade C in English; A Score of “2” or better on higher level in Mathematics and Physical Sciences (or 2 in Mathematics and 3 in Physical Science) (or 2 in Physical Science and 3 in Mathematics) or a grade B or better in ordinary level Mathematics and Physical Sciences. Grade B or better in ordinary level Biology/Life Science or a score of 3 or better on higher level Biology/Life Science.

Bachelor of Science Physiotherapy (Hons)
The following requirements in order to be admitted to the UNAM School of Allied Health Programme: 30 points on the UNAM scale with at least a grade B in English OR 32 points on the UNAM scale with at least a grade C in English; A Score of “2” or better on higher level in Mathematics and Physical Sciences (or 2 in Mathematics and 3 in Physical Science) (or 2 in Physical Science and 3 in Mathematics) or a grade B or better in ordinary level Mathematics and Physical Sciences. Grade B or better in ordinary level Biology/Life Science or a score of 3 or better on higher level Biology/Life Science.

Faculty Key Contact Offices

Prof Judith Hall
Executive Dean: Faculty of Health Sciences & Veterinary Medicine
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Mr Alois Fledersbacher
Faculty Manager: Faculty of Health Sciences & Veterinary Medicine
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Ms Agnes Shipanga
Faculty Officer: School of Allied Health Sciences & School of Pharmacy
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Ms Florinda Mario
Faculty Officer: School of Dentistry & School of Medicine
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Assistant Faculty Officer: School of Veterinary Medicine (Neudamm Campus)
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Mr Elifas Nakale
Faculty Officer: Oshakati Campus
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Mr Nicolas Beukes
Faculty Officer: School of Nursing & Public Health (Main Campus)
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