Faculty of Education & Human Sciences

Schools in Faculty


The School of Education is committed to improving the quality and understanding of education and social services provision in Namibia and internationally. This is achieved through high-quality teaching, research, professional development, and community service. We believe in lifelong learning for professional and ethical educators coupled with local and international imperatives and development.


Our mission is shaped by our commitment to provide quality teaching and promote educational technology and innovative best practices.


To ensure equitable access to teacher, higher education, and lifelong learning education programs across the country, our undergraduate programs are offered on six different campuses across the country.

2023 Programmes

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Key Contact Offices

Dr. John Nyambe
Associate Dean: SoE (Khomasdal Campus)
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Ms. Emilia Hasheela
Examination Officer: Main Campus
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Mr. Romario Gomachab
Faculty Officer: Khomasdal Campus
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Mr. Wayne Van Wyk
Asst. Faculty Officer: SoE (Khomasdal Campus)
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Ms. Eli Mwilima
Examination Officer: Khomasdal Campus
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Ms. Monika Nuuyoma
Student Support Coordinator: Khomasdal Campus
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Ms. Hillka Iitula
Assistant Faculty Officer: Main Campus
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Ms. Lizzy Xoagus
Student Records Officer: Khomasdal Campus
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Ms. Taakondjo Mukwendje
Student Support Coordinator: Main Campus
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Mr. Sakaria Shakaalela
Assistant Faculty Officer: Main Campus
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Ms. Sonya Somses
Office Administrator: Khomasdal Campus
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The School of Humanities, Society and Development provides dynamic and unique educational disciplines and skills in social sciences, humanities, and the arts.  The School has over 1500 (national & international) students, and over 90 full-time staff members.  The School also has a strong research outlook and publishes 2 peer-reviewed journals.


The School offers 6 Bachelor of Arts Honours degrees in various disciplines; 5 Diplomas; taught Masters programmes, and various Master of Arts and PhD by research.  Our graduates have a range of skills that they can utilize to do well in a variety of fields in both the public and private sectors based on their skills of specialization.

2023 Programmes

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Key Contact Offices

Dr. Alfons Mosimane
Executive Dean: SoE and SoHSD (Khomasdal Campus)
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Ms. M. Mandumbwa-Kambatuku
Office Administrator: Assoc. Dean’s Office
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Ms. Taakondjo Mukwendje
Student Support Coordinator: Main Campus
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Dr. Martha Akawa-Shikufa
Assoc. Dean: SoE and SoHSD (Main Campus)
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Ms. Miriam Eises
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Ms. Janey Joseph
Student Support Coordinator: Khomasdal Campus
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Ms. Tusnelde Fillemon
Faculty Officer: SoE and SoHSD (Main Campus)
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Mr. Gothardt Katupose
Technical Officer
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Ms. Monika Nuuyoma
Asst. Faculty Officer: SoE and SoHSD (Main Campus)
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Ms. Johanna Ausiku
Examination Officer: Department of Language Development
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Faculty Introduction

Be part of a Faculty that promotes a learning environment that encourages diverse students and staff to expand their intellectual, creative, and social horizons through learning and teaching, research and innovation”.

Based in Windhoek, the campus is home to two schools: The School of Education and the School of Humanities, Society and Development.

The Faculty of Education and Human Sciences (FEHS) is one of the four faculties at the University of Namibia (UNAM). The FEHS was established following the developments of the 6th Strategic Plan (2019-2024) which necessitated a university-wide restructuring process. Therefore, to ensure efficiency, effectiveness and quality of programme offerings, the FEHS was born out of a merger of two former faculties, namely: The Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

The FEHS has since been inspired by its Vision, which is: “to become a professional faculty that provides its students and staff with services that advance professional knowledge and practice to transform the living environment”. To pursue this Vision, the FEHS set itself a mission to, “create a learning environment that encourages diverse students and staff to expand their intellectual, creative, and social horizons through learning and teaching, research and innovation”.

Though its headquarters are at Khomasdal Campus, the FEHS prides itself with a footprint across all the campuses of the University of Namibia where its programmes are offered. Through its two schools, namely: The School of Education and the School of Human Sciences, the FEHS offers robust, cutting edge and world-class programmes that are innovative, responsive and needs-driven. The ongoing pursuit of quality constitutes the golden thread in the Faculty’s programme offerings all the way from undergraduate studies to PhD studies. Given its staffing composition, the Faculty excels across all the strategic focus areas of the University, namely: learning and teaching, research and innovation, and community engagement.

The FEHS is an international player on the global higher education landscape with partnerships and collaborations across the various parts of the globe. At the same time, the Faculty remains committed to its facilitative role in the pursuit of development goals at the national and international levels. The FHES displays a strong multi-cultural and international character, with its staff and students attracted from all corners of the world.

Faculty Admission Requirements

Detailed requirements can be found in relevant school prospectuses.

Campuses where Faculty can be found

The Faculty management is based at Khomasdal Campus, with the School of Education (SoE) management based at Khomasdal and the School of Humanities, Society and Development (SHSD) based at the Main Campus. The Faculty has a footprint at the following seven (7) campuses.

  1. Main Campus (SoE/SHSD)
  2. Khomasdal Campus (SoE/SHSD)
  3. Hifikepunye Pohamba Campus (SoE/SHSD)
  4. Katima Mulilo Campus (SoE/SHSD)
  5. Rundu Campus (SoE/SHSD)
  6. Southern Campus (SoE/SHSD)
  7. Oshakati Campus (SHSD)

Faculty Key Contact Offices

Dr. Alfons Mosimane
Executive Dean: FEHS (Khomasdal Campus)
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Ms. Monika Nuuyoma
Asst. Faculty Officer: SoHSD (Main Campus)
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Ms. Fransiska Kalwenya
Asst. Faculty Officer: SoE (HP Campus)
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Mr. Immaneul Mundumbu
Asst. Faculty Officer: SoE (Rundu Campus)
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Ms. Taakondjo Mukwendje
Student Support Coordinator: Main Campus
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Ms. Janey Joseph
Faculty Manager: FEHS
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Ms. Hilka Iitula
Asst. Faculty Officer: SoE (Main Campus)
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Ms. Ndahafa Hauwanga
Asst. Faculty Officer: SoE (HP Campus)
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Mr. Helao Hishongwa
Asst. Faculty Officer: Southern Campus
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Ms. Namangolwa Lusepani
Asst. Faculty Officer: Katima Mulilo Campus
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Ms. Tusnelde Fillemon
Faculty Officer: SoHSD (Main Campus)
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Mr. Sakaria Shakaalela
Asst. Faculty Officer: SoE (Main Campus)
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Ms. Nzinza Chata
Asst Faculty Officer: SoE (Katima Mulilo Campus)
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Mr. Romario Gomachab
Faculty Officer: SoE (Khomasdal Campus)
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Ms. Agnes Felix
Faculty Officer: SoE (HP Campus)
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Mr. Wayne Van Wyk
Asst. Faculty Officer: SoE (Khomasdal Campus)
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Ms. Nicosia Kamwi
Asst. Faculty Officer: SoE (Rundu Campus)
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Ms. Monika Nuuyoma
Student Support Coordinator: Khomasdal Campus
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