Faculty of Commerce, Management & Law

Schools in Faculty


Welcome to the School of Accounting!


Choosing to study at the UNAM School of Accounting, is perhaps the best decision you have made in your career. You join an extensive network of students, faculty, and alumni ready to support your journey from classroom to career. With various rigorous, rewarding degree programs to choose from, you’ll enter the workplace with the knowledge and experience you need to excel in the field.


Presently the School is the second-largest academic school in the Faculty of Commerce Management and Law, with almost 30 lecturers and support staff. We serve an intake of about 800 new first-year students in full-time and part-time.


The School constantly strives to expand access for students to its programmes without sacrificing academic excellence.


The School has a record of excellent performance in the external professional examinations, taken by our alumni every year. As an example, the pass rate of our alumni Chartered Accountancy students is amongst the best every year.


Staff, in their personal capacity, and also the School as an entity, strive towards making a positive impact on both the community of Windhoek and on a national level.​


Strategic focus areas

  • Maintaining excellent student throughput rates (undergrad and postgrad).
  • Maintaining excellent pass rates of alumni students in professional examinations.
  • Maintaining comparatively excellent levels of research outputs.
  • As a higher education institution, our main contribution is to produce graduates who are bachelors, masters in accounting that are of superior quality and international standard and uphold ethics and morals.

Graduates from our undergraduate programs have an excellent employment record: in most years, most of them find their jobs immediately after graduating or decide to pursue advanced studies.

2023 Programmes

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Key Contact Offices

Mr. Edwin D Beukes
Associate Dean: School of Accounting (Main Campus)
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Ms. Hilja Haufiku
HOD: Fin. & Managerial Accounting School of Accounting (Main Campus)
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Mr. Alfred Makosa
HOD: Audit & Tax – School of Accounting (Main Campus)
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Welcome to the School of Business Management, Governance, and Economics. The School comprises 3 departments, which offer undergraduate, masters, and doctoral programmes in various disciplines.


The programmes are aimed at equipping students with skills in the fields of management, governance, and economics. It also leads in scholarly research output and community service that contribute to social and economic development in Namibia and beyond.


The graduates are trained to fill the gaps in the public and private sectors locally, regionally, and internationally. The School is actively engaged with relevant stakeholders, thereby ensuring translational knowledge and research output.

2023 Programmes

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Key Contact Offices

Prof. J. M. Nyambe
Executive Dean: Faculty of Commerce, Management & Law
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Prof. E. Kaakunga
Associate Dean: School of Business Management, Governance & Economics
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Ms. C. Kaereho
Student Support Lecturer: School of Business Management, Governance & Economics
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Mr. M. A. Olivier
Faculty Manager: Faculty of Commerce, Management & Law
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Ms. E. A. Muhepa
Examination Officer: School of Business Management, Governance & Economics
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Ms. S. E. Itoolwa
Administrator: School of Business Management, Governance & Economics
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Ms. B. Tjikotoke
Postgraduate Studies Coordinator: School of Business Management, Governance & Economics
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Welcome to the School of Law, your centre of excellence for legal education!


We strive to provide quality legal education, innovative enterprising and instil a culture of research grounded on excellence, equity and justice.  We offer a wide range of flagship programmes that are responsive and relevant to the realisation of national development goals.


We also host the Justice Training Centre (JTC) which offers practical legal training to candidate legal practitioners in terms of the Legal Practitioners Act, 15 of 1995.


To those who wish to pursue a career in law, the School of Law looks forward to serving you.

2023 Programmes

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Key Contact Offices

Dr. N. Asheela-Shikalepo
Associate Dean: School of Law
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Mr. D. Sampson
Faculty Officer: School of Law
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Mrs Althea Husselmann
Asst. Faculty Officer: School of Law (Main Campus)
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Ms. Josephine Muhama
Examination Officer: School of Law
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The Namibia Business School (NBS), the number one business school in Namibia, was established in response to the needs of the Namibian market.


In 1999, the Founding Vice-Chancellor of the University of Namibia, Prof. Peter Katjavivi, assisted by the former Head of the Economics Department, Prof. Mohammed El Toukhy, joined forces with the FNB Foundation and entered into a collaboration agreement with the Maastricht School of Management in The Netherlands to offer an Executive MBA Programme at UNAM.


Since 2000, many students have graduated with more postgraduate qualifications including Diplomas, MBA (with specialisations), and DBA.  Namibia Business School offers business Executive Programmes tailor-made to suit the requirements of the industry in the 21st century.

2023 Programmes

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Key Contact Offices

Dr. Muree Tjiueza
Acting Assistant Director: Operational Services – Namibia Business School
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Dr. Abner Shopati
Acting Assistant Director: Academic Affairs – Namibia Business School
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Mr. Alfonso Gobs
Faculty Officer: Namibia Business School
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Mr. Helao Hishongwa
Examination Officer: Namibia Business School
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The Namibia School of Diplomatic Studies is housed in the Faculty of Commerce Management and Law, and its operations are overseen by the Joint Steering Committee comprised of representatives drawn from both MIRCO and UNAM.
It was conceived on the basis of an April 12, 2022 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) entered into, between the Ministry of International Cooperation (MIRCO) acting for the Government of the Republic of Namibia, and the University of Namibia (UNAM. His Excellency Dr Nangolo Mbumba, Vice President of the Republic of Namibia officially launched this School on 22 February 2023.


To be a leading Regional and International Training Centre of Excellence in Diplomacy and International Relations.


To equip foreign service officials and practitioners, as well as students with critical skills, and the capacity to address contemporary domestic and global challenges.

Core Values

• Patriotism
• Commitment
• Professionalism
• Discipline
• Integrity

2023 Programmes

Key Contact Offices

Namibia School of Diplomatic Studies
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Faculty Introduction

The Faculty is one of the largest at UNAM and arguably most significant, in terms of its contribution to national human resource development in fields related to business, public policy and Law. The objectives of the Faculty are to promote excellence in teaching and research, to inculcate a critical disposition and ability for creative problem-solving, to educate and train high level human resources in support of sustainable development and community service and to produce responsible citizens with a healthy respect for human dignity.

Faculty Admission Requirements

Detailed requirements can be found in relevant school prospectuses.

Faculty Key Contact Offices

Prof. Jacob Nyambe
Executive Dean: Faculty of Commerce, Management & Law (Main Campus)
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Mr. Martino Olivier
Faculty Manager: Faculty of Commerce, Management & Law (Main Campus)
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Ms. Belinda Tjikotoke
Faculty Coordinator: Post graduate Studies – Faculty of Commerce, Management & Law (Main Campus)
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Ms. Ottilie Nelago
Faculty Officer: School of Accounting & School of Business Management, Governance and Economics
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Mr. David Sampson
Faculty Officer: School of Law (Main Campus)
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Mr. Alfonso Gobs
Faculty Officer: Namibia Business School (Main Campus)
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Ms. Teresia Nuuyoma
Assistant Faculty Officer : School of Accounting ( Main Campus)
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Ms. Goldine Van Wyk
Assistant Faculty Officer: School of Business Management, Governance and Economics (Main Campus)
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Ms. Josephine Muhama
Examination Officer: School of Law (Main Campus)
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Ms. Stephanie Nehoja
Examination Officer: School of Business Management, Governance and Econmics (Main Campus)
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Ms. Desley Goses
Examination Officer: School of Accounting (Main Campus)
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