University of Namibia Education Conference (EduCon) 2024

About the Conference

The overall objective of the conference is to provide a platform for educators, researchers, policy makers, and education stakeholders to explore the various avenues and possibilities of fostering innovative skills-based education in the 21st century for a sustainable future. The expected outcomes of this conference are, the acquisition of new knowledge, insights and practices in skills-based education, and the publication of conference proceedings to reach a wider audience. The Conference will be blended, combining face-to-face and online virtual platforms. Register Now

The objective will be explored through the following tracks:

  1. Emotional Intelligence and sustainable Leadership in Early Childhood education
  2. Community education as foundation for early childhood education
  3. Skills-based education and employment creation in early childhood and junior primary education
  1. Emotional Intelligence and sustainable Leadership in Technical and Vocational education
  2. Leadership and managing talent in ITVE skill-based context
  3. Skills-based education and employment creation in ITVE
  1. Emotional Intelligence and sustainable Leadership in secondary education
  2. Politics and law in skills based education
  3. The role of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in a skill-based society
  4. Learning schools, organizations and human resources
  5. Education for human rights and gender-based education in a troubled world
  6. Promoting psycho-social supports for teaching and learning
  7. Leadership and managing talent in secondary school skill-based context
  1. Emotional Intelligence and sustainable Leadership in higher education
  2. Fake News, Disinformation and Misinformation in higher education
  3. Politics and law in skills based higher education
  4. Nurturing higher education systems, processes for skill based driven economy
  5. Leadership and managing talent in a skill-based context for higher education
  6. quality assurance management in higher education
  1. Planning, development, implementation and evaluation of a skill based adult learning and development curriculum
  2. Embracing adult learning and development to promote social development
  3. Skills-based education and employment creation for community development
  4. Indigenous Knowledge systems
  1. Emotional Intelligence and sustainable Leadership in organisational learning and development
  2. Project management as a new tool to manage education in a digitized world
  3. Politics and law in skills based education for learning and development
  4. Organizational Learning and development as a tool for workplace learning
  5. Corporate strategy and the learning organisation
  1. Religion, morality and skill-based education
  2. Fake News, Disinformation and Misinformation in education
  3. Restoration of teacher-professional image and ethics
  4. Planning, development, implementation and evaluation of a skill-based teacher education curriculum
  5. Fostering Assessment and evaluation for skill based education
  6. Education for a sustainable future
  7. The digital landscape, including the disruptive technologies of the 4th & 5th IR, Artificial Intelligence (e.g. ChatGPT) and how they construct and re-define the context of learning and teaching, work in general, and life in society at large;
  8. Curriculum transformation for skills-based education and a sustainable future
  9. Innovative learning and teaching that foster skills-based education and a sustainable future
  10. Skills-based education from the perspectives of critical pedagogy
  1. Emotional Intelligence and sustainable Leadership in Early Childhood education
  2. Community education as foundation for early childhood education
  3. Skills-based education and employment creation in early childhood and junior primary education
  1. Emotional Intelligence and sustainable Leadership in Technical and Vocational education
  2. Leadership and managing talent in ITVE skill-based context
  3. Skills-based education and employment creation in ITVE
  1. Emotional Intelligence and sustainable Leadership in secondary education
  2. Politics and law in skills based education
  3. The role of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in a skill-based society
  4. Learning schools, organizations and human resources
  5. Education for human rights and gender-based education in a troubled world
  6. Promoting psycho-social supports for teaching and learning
  7. Leadership and managing talent in secondary school skill-based context
  1. Emotional Intelligence and sustainable Leadership in higher education
  2. Fake News, Disinformation and Misinformation in higher education
  3. Politics and law in skills based higher education
  4. Nurturing higher education systems, processes for skill based driven economy
  5. Leadership and managing talent in a skill-based context for higher education
  6. quality assurance management in higher education
  1. Planning, development, implementation and evaluation of a skill based adult learning and development curriculum
  2. Embracing adult learning and development to promote social development
  3. Skills-based education and employment creation for community development
  4. Indigenous Knowledge systems
  1. Emotional Intelligence and sustainable Leadership in organisational learning and development
  2. Project management as a new tool to manage education in a digitized world
  3. Politics and law in skills based education for learning and development
  4. Organizational Learning and development as a tool for workplace learning
  5. Corporate strategy and the learning organisation
  1. Religion, morality and skill-based education
  2. Fake News, Disinformation and Misinformation in education
  3. Restoration of teacher-professional image and ethics
  4. Planning, development, implementation and evaluation of a skill-based teacher education curriculum
  5. Fostering Assessment and evaluation for skill based education
  6. Education for a sustainable future
  7. The digital landscape, including the disruptive technologies of the 4th & 5th IR, Artificial Intelligence (e.g. ChatGPT) and how they construct and re-define the context of learning and teaching, work in general, and life in society at large;
  8. Curriculum transformation for skills-based education and a sustainable future
  9. Innovative learning and teaching that foster skills-based education and a sustainable future
  10. Skills-based education from the perspectives of critical pedagogy
  11. Green Energy and Technologies Education

Call for Papers

  • Extended/ Short Abstracts deadline extended to 15 July 2024
  • Full Papers 10 August 2024

Download Call (PDF)

Target Participants

  • Academics in higher education institutions
  • Higher education leaders (VCs, Deans, Directors and HoDs, etc.)
  • Officials responsible for Adult Education programmes
  • Organizational Development (OD) Practitioners
  • Teachers and other education stakeholders
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
  • Learning and Development practitioners
  • Students and Student Organizations
  • Community development officials
  • Development partners
  • Government officials
  • Business sector
  • Parents

Registration & Fees

Prospective participants are expected to register online. Kindly follow the instructions on the link. A Conference registration fee is payable by all participants using the account details provided on the registration form.

The fees are payable as follows:

  • Namibians & SADC members early bird (May-June) registration fee N$ 2,500.00
  • Namibians & SADC members late registration fee (after June) N$ 2,800.00
  • Non-SADC participants early bird registration (May-June) N$ 3,000.00
  • Non-SADC participants late registration fee (after June) N$ 3,300.00

Further Information

Contact our Conference Coordinators through email address:

Dr Sadrag Panduleni Shihomeka
Conference Chairperson
Tel: 061 206 3046 (Office)

Dr Enock L. Simasiku
Conference Vice-Chairperson
Tel: 061 206 3684 (Office)

Dr Basilius M.  Kasera
Conference Secretariat Chair
Tel: 061 206 7348 (Office)

EDUCON is a bi-annual research conference organised by the School of Education under the Faculty of Education and Human Sciences at The University of Namibia. This year’s conference theme is “Fostering Innovative Skills-based Education in the 21st Century for Sustainable Future”. The conference will take place on the 17th-19th September 2024, in Windhoek, Namibia.

The 21st century has witnessed unprecedented and disruptive changes that have impacted lives worldwide. These changes have included, among others: high levels of globalization, rapid changes in information and communication technology, 4th and 5th Industrial Revolution, the shift towards a knowledge-based society, disruptive crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic and protracted wars in Ukraine and the Gaza strip, as well as global market competition fuelled by Neo-liberal policies. The unprecedented and disruptive changes have constructed a particular kind of society, a highly complex society, that demands mankind to possess a particular set of skills to successfully navigate one’s way around it and to achieve sustainability. On the education front, the new and highly complex society demands a new kind of graduate, one with a particular set of skills or attributes to survive in the new society.

Higher education, and education in general, are expected to produce a new kind of graduate, one with attributes such as: creativity, versatility, innovativeness, critical thinking, problem-solving, adaptability, and a positive disposition towards team-work. Equally, the world of work has been redefined the world of work across all sectors of the economy, requiring transformation in our daily routines and practices of work. Present day complex society therefore calls for innovative skills-based education for a sustainable future. Through its bi-annual education conference, the EDUCON., the University of Namibia School of Education intends to explore the call of fostering innovative skills-based education in the 21st century for a sustainable future.

The overall objective of the conference is to provide a platform for educators, researchers, policy makers, and education stakeholders to explore the various avenues and possibilities of fostering innovative skills-based education in the 21st century for a sustainable future.

EDUCON 2024 Management Committee:

  1. Chairperson: Dr Sadrag Panduleni Shihomeka (CPRP)
  2. Vice Chairperson: Dr Enock Simasiku
  3. Conference Advisor: Prof. Daphne Ntiri (Full Bright Scholar)
  4. Associate Dean: Dr John Nyambe


Marketing Committee:

  1. Dr Faustina Neshila Committee Chairperson
  2. Ms Zenaune Karirao
  3. Dr Percy Mashebe
  4. Mr Johannes Shivute
  5. Mr Brian Kabuku
  6. Ms Rauna Namukwambi
  7. Mr Donald Jossob
  8. Ms Lynette Diergaardt
  9. Dr Nchindo Mbukusa
  10. Ms Lydia Aipinge (Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture)


Finance / Fundraising Committee:

  1. Ms Serena Hoeses Committee Chairperson
  2. Ms Anica Katjiteo Committee Vice Chairperson
  3. Ms Charlene Kaereho
  4. Ms Richardine Poulton-Busler
  5. Dr Helena Miranda
  6. Dr Daniel Mbangula
  7. Dr Annaly Strauss
  8. Dr Collin Tjitemisa
  9. Dr Josua Lukas
  10. Dr Tadeus Shikukumwa
  11. Ms Lydia Aipinge (Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture)
  12. Mr Mzingisi Gqwede (Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture)


Logistics Committee:

  1. Mr Andre Kandundu
  2. Mr Noah Gaoseb Committee Chairperson
  3. Ms Ivy Heyman van Wyk Committee Vice Chairperson
  4. Mr Sakaria Shaakalela
  5. Mr Fransisku Lukas
  6. Ms Loide Shifula
  7. Mr Romanus Shiremo
  8. Ms Penehafo Henok
  9. Mr Andreas Amutenya
  10. Ms Tertisia Nghipondoka
  11. Dr Beausetha Bruwer
  12. Ms Nicolette Harmse
  13. Ms Margareth Ruhozu
  14. Ms Lydia Aipinge (Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture)
  15. Mr Mzingisi Gqwede (Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture)


Technical / IT:

  1. Dr Leena Kanandjebo
  2. Mr Erkie Haipinge
  3. Mr Frans Shikwaya
  4. Ms Renate Shikwaya
  5. Mr Tomas Namupala


Secretariat / book of Abstract:

    1. Dr Helena Miranda
    2. Dr Linus Kambeyo
    3. Dr Sirkka Tshinigayamwe Committee Vice Chairperson
    4. Prof James Abah
    5. Dr Frans Haimbodi
    6. Dr David Nkengbeza
    7. Prof Sacky Iipinge
    8. Mr Romario Gomachab
    9. Dr Basilius Kasera Committee Chairperson
    10. Dr Lukas Julius
    11. Dr Taimi Nghikembua
    12. Dr Anna Hako
    13. Prof- Cynthy Haihambo
    14. Dr Kazuvire Veii
    15. Prof Kavena R Shalyefu
    16. Dr Misitilde Jonas
    17. Ms Emily Kambonde
    18. Dr Charmaine Villet
    19. Dr Hertha Pomuti
    20. Prof Cornelia Shaimemanya
    21. Prof Roderick Zimba
    22. Mr Timothy Chunga
    23. Dr Beatha Set
    24. Ms Mirjam Sheyapo
    25. Ms Jacolynn van Wyk
    26. Prof Africa Zulu
    27. Prof Perien Boer
    28. Ms Lydia Aipinge (Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture)
  1. Coming soon
  1. Coming soon
  1. Coming soon

Conference Registration fees can be paid into the following University of Namibia Account

Bank: First National Bank of Namibia


Account Number: 55500057621



Branch Code: 281872

Swift / BIC Code : FIRNNANX

Reference: your name-FE01/2853

All abstracts should have the following:

  1. Author(s) Details: Names, Affiliations, and E-mails
  2. Key Elements to be covered: purpose of the paper/study, objectives/research questions/theoretical/conceptual framework (where applicable), Materials and Methods, Key findings, Key conclusions and key recommendations
  3. Length:
    • Short Abstract: 300 Words -No references required
    • Extended Abstract: 500 words including a minimum of 5 references (Use APA Style of References)
  1. Key words: not more than 5
  2. Format: Times new Roman, Size: 12, Line Spacing:5, Colour: Automatic, Alignment: Justified


  1. Paper Submission Guidelines
  • When your abstract is approved, submit a full paper, ready for blind review as follows:
    (Only papers not published or submitted for publications need to go for blind Review)
  1. Format: Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12, Line Spacing: 1.5, Colour: Automatic, Alignment: Justified
  2. Length: 5000-7000 Words
  3. Referencing Style: APA
  4. Structure:
    1. Abstract
    2. Key Words
    3. Introduction
    4. Materials and methods
    5. Findings
    6. Conclusions and Recommendations
    7. Acknowledgement
    8. List of References
    9. Author(s) Details
    10. Use British English
  5. Use British English
  6. Do not use AI to write the paper and papers will be subjected to a plagiarism detection software
  7. Papers can be empirical, theoretical, case studies, Poster etc

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University of Namibia